HealthPep Talk

M for Meditation

By Bhumika Vikam

The parables of ABC in today’s world has completely changed.  It goes like this- A for Anxiety, B for bulimia, C for cancer, D for diabetes and the list goes on. All this stems from S for stress.

The strength of meditation

Stress is the biggest killer contributing to major lifestyle diseases in today’s world. The rat race and the desire to have it all is pushing people forward to bend beyond their limits. This is driving people to visit various health practitioners and trying to figure out a solution for their maladies. However, the highly recommended and most sought-after remedy is M for Meditation.  Health care providers all over the globe are recommending meditation and spiritual activities as a long-term remedy for any health issue whatsoever.

Let us unravel the why’s and how’s of meditation in conversation with a qualified doctor and an experienced meditator.

Dr. Kanti Bhamidipaty is a homoeopathic doctor and dietitian practising in Hyderabad. She is also a qualified Yoga therapist. She says that just as exercise is a training for the physical body, meditation is an approach to train the mind. It takes the mind into a state of calm, as it is the transition from alpha to beta to theta waves. At this stage, we are able to visualise, be more creative and change our negative perceptions. She herself researched various aspects of meditation and practices it daily.

She shares with us some of the innumerable benefits of meditation:

  1. It reduces stress, makes us happier, improves memory and slows ageing.
  2. It increases self-awareness and acceptance in a positive way.
  3. It improves cardiovascular health and decreases the risk of chronic diseases.
  4. It improves concentration especially for kids with poor focus and attention.
  5. It is a good tool to treat psychological conditions like ADHD, anxiety neurosis, depression, early stages of senile dementia and related psychosomatic conditions like migraines, premenstrual syndrome, psoriasis and irritable bowel syndrome.  

She further guides us to different types of meditation:

  1. Concentration on the breath
  2. Repetition of a mantra or chant
  3. Visualisation of an object
  4. Mindful meditation

One may delve more into this as there are various sources of meditation and one can practice what suits them. The best part of meditation is that we can customise it according to our needs and time.

Aditi Makim is a filmmaker, writer and entrepreneur who resides in Mumbai. She did her first vipassana course for 11 days in 2002 and has also attended many vipassana courses taught by S.N. Goenka. During the courses,  she has learnt about the practice of awareness of incoming and outgoing breath, the universal law of impermanence of body-mind construct, and Metta Bhavana, meaning receiving and radiating loving, kindness, forgiveness, peace, harmony and goodwill.  

She is a follower of meditation practices since September 2016 and claims that she has transformed into a more responsive, less reactive, happier, harmonious and an accepting person. She went a step ahead and taught aanapana sati meditation to her son Kabir at the age of 3.5 years. Now at the age of 7.5 years, Aditi reinstates that meditation has improved Kabir’s memory, social skills, creativity, communication and time management. She surely is an inspiration for all of us.

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Tanya is a graduate in Sociology from Sophia College, Mumbai, a post-graduate in Communications and Media from SNDT Women’s University in Mumbai and holds a Master's Degree in Journalis & Mass Communications from Chandigarh University. A former writing mentor and a seasoned lifestyle writer, Tanya writes columns on The Lifestyle Portal of life and living.

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